Main Website

<body style=font-size:30px;color:lightgray;text-align:center;background-color:#282828;font-family:Georgia> <br> <h1 class="header" style=background-color:#0C0032;border-radius:40px;border-style:dashed;border-color:#3500D3> Random Central </h1> <div class="header" style=background-color:#0c0032;border-radius:50px;border-style:solid;border-color:#3500D3;font-size:15px;padding:5px > < a class="ref" style=color:lightgray href="" title="Source Code">Source Code</a> <a class="ref" href="" style=color:lightgray title="Random Stuff">Random Stuff</a> <a href="" style=color:lightgray title="Sponsors">Sponsors</a> <a href="" style=color:lightgray title="More Random Stuff">More Random Stuff</a> <a style=color:lightgray href="" title="Contact Me">Contact Me</a></div> <br> <img id="htmlfive" src="" alt="cool html picture" width=500px border=5> <p style=font-size:15px;text-align:left> Hello, This is a website coded in all <i>html</i> and <i>css</i>. It is <span style=text-decoration:underline title="very full">full</span> of cool things, easter eggs, and mini <q>games</q>. Example, put your mouse over the underlined full and you will see a tooltip that says <i>very full</i>. <i>I encourage you to review the code, there are a lot of Easter eggs in it. </i> The source code/changelog is provided up above. If there are any errors please let me know by using the <i>Contact Me</i> tab up above. <p> </body> </html>